About 100 to Watch
NBJC’s “100 Black LGBTQ+/ Leaders to Watch” campaign highlights the contributions and leadership of Black LGBTQ+/SGL students, young and emerging professionals.
Since its launch in 2015, many leaders on the watch list have established or managed organizations and campaigns increasing life outcomes and opportunities for our community. Examples include Texas State Representative Venton Jones; Maryland Delegate Gabriel Acevero; Toni-Michelle Williams, Executive Director of SNaPCo; DaShawn Usher, Founder of MOBI and senior leader at GLAAD; Sixto Cancel, Founder and CEO of Think of US; and Preston Mitchum of MTV’s Summer House Martha’s Vineyard.
Current 100 to Watch Cohort Tracker HERE. Steering Committee invitation HERE.
A new generation of emerging leaders represents the Millennial and Z generations, who have earned recognition and additional support. Amplifying early achievements affirms the reality that Black queer, transgender, and gender-expansive talent has always been here, and we deserve opportunities to thrive. Anyone suggesting they cannot find Black queer talent is telling a white lie.
NBJC will amplify success stories among our inaugural cohort.
NBJC will solicit nominations for the next cohort to be announced in 2025.
Selection Committee Members
We will invite members of our board and our 2015 cohort to join the Selection Committee, inviting nominations for the next list of 100. Nomination form can be found HERE
Selection committee members will facilitate the nomination and selection process and be featured on our #100Seen social media campaign. #100Seen is our opportunity to share the stories of our inaugural cohort’s successes through media interviews, social media, videos, speaking or facilitation opportunities at events, brand amplification, NBJC Q&As or podcasts, Ubuntu bios, policy advocacy, and more.
Confirmed selection committee members:
- Preston Mitchum
- Gwendolyn Rogers
- Brandon Mack
- Cedric Lawson
- Dr. Van Bailey
- Dr. Lauren Mims
- Ollie Henry
- Jay Jones