Black Youth Advocate and Ambassador
Nala Simone Toussaint_
Nala has done extensive work as an outreach liaison, conducting safe sex interventions for youth, and coordinating educational and job development services at renowned LGBT public service organizations. Nala is currently the TGNB Health Advocacy Coordinator at Callen-Lorde Community Health Center. She engages and mobilizes transgender and gender non-binary (TGNB) patients and their allies – as well as external community members–to advocate for policies that expand access to gender-affirming health care and services. In addition, she is the founder of Reuniting of African Descendants (R.O.A.D), a grassroots project invested in advancing the social and economic well-being of African Descendants, with an urgent focus on queer, same-gender-loving people, transgender, and non-binary people, and ultimately the entire community. Nala’s fearless and fierce advocacy was recently included in a profile in the New York Times.