Four Amazing Events For Equity!

June 12th-15th 2024
Washington DC
Equity Legislative Efforts
In the 2023 legislative session, several impactful bills and resolutions have been introduced in the United States Congress to address historical injustices, promote racial healing and transformation, and address socio-economic disparities. These legislative proposals reflect a unified commitment to acknowledging the nation’s complex history and striving for a more equitable future.
These legislative initiatives represent diverse efforts to confront historical injustices, promote social equity, and address systemic issues affecting marginalized communities in the United States. They signal a commitment to healing, transformation, and pursuing a more just and equitable society.
Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans Act
– This legislation is a significant step towards addressing the historical injustices faced by African Americans, particularly in the context of slavery and its aftermath.
– The establishment of a commission to study and develop reparation proposals demonstrates a commitment to acknowledging the deep-rooted impacts of slavery and discrimination on African American communities and the larger global economy.
– This bill aims to pave the way for meaningful discussions on reparations and redress by compiling historical evidence, analyzing discriminatory policies, and producing concrete proposals for federal reparations. The outcome of this legislation will create the framework for future public policy to provide redress, restitution, and reparation to Black Americans.
Urging the Establishment of a United States Commission on Truth,
Racial Healing, and Transformation (TRHT)
– This concurrent resolution underscores the importance of truth, racial healing, and transformation in the United States.
– It acknowledges the enduring legacies of historical injustices against people of color and the need to address them comprehensively.
– The proposed U.S. Commission on Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation would serve as a vital mechanism for fostering understanding, reconciliation, and equitable reparations across and within racialized communities.
Third Reconstruction: Fully Addressing Poverty and
Low Wages from the Bottom Up
– This resolution highlights the urgency of holistically addressing poverty, low wages, and related issues.
– It outlines a comprehensive set of policy priorities to improve the economic well-being of all Americans, particularly those disproportionately affected by poverty and economic inequality.
– The resolution underscores the importance of eliminating racial inequities as an integral part of addressing socio-economic disparities.
Reparations Now Resolution
– This resolution reaffirms the moral and legal obligation of the United States to provide reparations for the historical enslavement of Africans and its lasting harm on Black communities.
– It recognizes the importance of acknowledging past wrongs and taking concrete steps toward reparative justice.
– The resolution aligns with growing calls for reconciliation and redress in the United States.
H.R. 2952
Restoring Artistic Protection (RAP) Act of 2023
– This legislation protects individuals’ artistic and creative expression by limiting the admissibility of such expression as evidence in legal proceedings.
– It emphasizes the importance of preserving artistic freedom and ensuring that artists are not unfairly targeted or penalized based on their work.
– The RAP Act aligns with the broader goal of safeguarding constitutional rights and civil liberties