Thanks for visiting our Digital Advocacy and Action Hub! You will find opportunities to engage your lawmakers on policies that improve opportunities and outcomes for Black LGBTQ+/Same-gender loving people; advance equity for Black people, generally; and strengthen democracy. Take action! Bookmark this page to join future actions! After you take action, please encourage others to join you!

The United States cannot truly achieve equity without implementing legislation eliminating disparate health outcomes and lower life expectancies for people living with HIV/AIDS in our nation and abroad. Express your support for the continuation of PEPFAR, the United States’ global HIV/AIDS prevention program to ensure the overall well-being of Black LGBTQ+/SGL people who are at higher risk of becoming HIV positive by sending a letter to your congressional representatives below:
Stop the Global HIV Epidemic
by Continuing to Fund PEPFAR

The United States cannot truly achieve equity without implementing legislation eliminating disparate health outcomes and lower life expectancies for people living with HIV/AIDS in our nation and abroad. Express your support for the continuation of PEPFAR, the United States’ global HIV/AIDS prevention program to ensure the overall well-being of Black LGBTQ+/SGL people who are at higher risk of becoming HIV positive by sending a letter to your congressional representatives below:
Stop the Global HIV Epidemic
by Continuing to Fund PEPFAR
Thanks for visiting our Digital Advocacy and Action Hub! You will find several opportunities to engage your lawmakers on policies that disproportionately impact the lives of Black LGBTQ+/Same-gender loving people, families, and those who love us. Take action on as many policies as possible, and be sure to bookmark this page to join future actions as well! Finally, after you take action, please encourage others to join you!
Act for Reparations!

Support Equality!