Socially loud! Can you hear us?

NBJC X Boris L. Henson Foundation

The National Black Justice Coalition understands that Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer+, and same-gender loving (LGBTQ+/SGL) youth make unique contributions to their families, communities, and our country, and they also face unique mental health challenges that can exacerbate anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts.

Black children, like all children, do not ask to be born, and each deserves support, nurturing, and life. 

  • 16% of Black LGBTQ+/SGL youth attempted suicide in the past year. 
  • One in four Black trans and nonbinary young people reported a suicide attempt in the past year.
  • 63% of Black LGBTQ youth experienced symptoms of anxiety and 56% symptoms of depression.
  • 55% of LGBTQ youth wanted but did not receive mental health care. 
  • 86% of transgender and nonbinary youth say recent debates around anti-trans bills have negatively impacted their mental health. 

In addition, too many members of our community are dealing with shame and rejection.  Sometimes multiple times each day, we expend energy navigating social situations that privileged people take for granted–including doing labor when deciding to  “invite in” people by sharing important parts of who we are and how we show up in the world and navigating safely through community and public spaces. In addition, trauma and toxic stress are not new for our community. We inherit trauma and are often denied opportunities to grieve and heal.  

NBJC has partnered with the Boris L. Henson Foundation to provide free mental health support services to more than 300 Black LGBTQ+/SGL young people ages 12-22.  Participants have access to up to 5 individual counseling sessions with licensed clinicians, either virtually or in person. We hope that this partnership will permit more of our youth to gain access to tools they can use beyond this program to thrive.

Should you or someone you know benefit from mental health support, please complete this intake form HERE, so we can make critical connections when new spots become available.

The National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC) is a civil rights organization dedicated to the empowerment of Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and same gender loving (LGBTQ/SGL) people, including people living with HIV/AIDS.