The NBJC Youth and Young Adult Action Council (YYAAC) offers personal and professional development, grounded in thriving, for a cohort of Black LGBTQ+/SGL youth and young adults aged ~18-28. The group seeks to accomplish the following goals:
Enhance, polish, and advance NBJC’s work by adding youth/young adult perspectives;
Deepen participants’ understanding of thriving that is grounded in intersectionality and human dignity; and
Meaningfully engage participants as leaders, thinkers, creators, and producers.
The NBJC YYAAC touches every facet of the organization’s work including policy, education, media/communications, activism/community engagement/advocacy, research, and health/well-being. Participants learn about the Bridge to Thriving Framework (BtTF), contribute to NBJC’s daily efforts, and enjoy guest presentations, discussions, healing and dreaming workshops, and other community- and capacity-building activities.
Examples of our work in 2020 include: a comic strip, pride campaign, and an OpEd.
Our YYAAC is advancing intersectional social justice in numerous ways. Read on to learn what brings them to the work and what they are most excited about.
Justin Calhoun
I joined the YYAAC…
…as a way to develop my advocacy skills and connections so that I can share my Black, Queer outlook on political and social events. I want to share the newfound perspective I have after graduating from an HBCU with a degree in Political Science and Community Development. I think my focus on urban planning/community development can bring more depth to conversations of race and policy by adding theories of built environmental discrimination.
I’m most excited about…
…the impact! I have worked with NBJC in the past, as an intern, and as a representative in the community. I am most excited about continuing this work and the impact this work will have on marginalized communities during the global pandemic.
Sage G. Dolan
I joined the YYAAC…
…because I will always be here to answer invitations extended by NBJC Executive Director David Johns. David has long been a mentor of mine [since the White House
Summits on Black LGBTQ Youth in 2016] and his work and the work of NBJC
has allowed me to exist in the ways I do today. I am honored and glad to have the privilege to serve on this council and participate in the exploration of Black queer joy and love. We have a chance to find the keys to thriving and more importantly the ability to share them!
I’m most excited about…
…returning to school this fall semester and to implement the thriving practices that I have learned through the Council. I look forward to engaging my studies with a new lens and to taking my advocacy to the next level.
Aaron Grayson
I joined the YYAAC…
…because I wanted to join a community of leaders, unlearners, and dreamers of liberation.
I’m most excited about…
…the opportunity to strengthen connections with this newfound community of beautiful Black people who dream, love, and think deeply. Let’s reimagine. Let’s activate. Let’s flip some tables!”
Stecey Mbeba
I joined the YYAAC…
…because my good friend Sage referred me to join the Council. I’ve seen how she’s been able to use the platform provided by NBJC to speak truth to power; to disrupt the negative ideas about members of our community; and to have her creative work viewed by diverse communities. I am excited by these things and look forward to similar opportunities to make positive contributions and grow.
I’m most excited about…
…getting to work with all the wonderful and brilliant people involved in the work. Too often it feels like we’re alone in the world–or in community and I am excited about learning from and about other dope and dynamic leaders in our community.
Tyler Miles
I joined the YYAAC…
…because I wanted to find a new and meaningful way of engaging in revolutionary work that is ongoing and understand that NBJC is on the frontlines of advancing meaningful change. I am excited to learn more and to be more meaningfully engaged in this work.
I’m most excited about…
…learning from and growing with all members of the Council and just being in a community which I find very healing. Safe spaces don’t really exist for us, and we need them–like everyone else needs them. I am excited about the space that is being created by NBJC.
Marshanette Nunes (Marsha)
I joined the YYAAC…
…to learn, grow, build community, and drive positive change with other Black young adults and youth.
I’m most excited about…
…learning from and growing with all members of the Council and just being in community, which I find very healing.
Monet Umama
I joined the YYAAC…
…because I believe in the power of youth advocacy and the voice that we all can have. I attended the first White House Summit on African American LGBTQ Youth in 2016 and have been excited about and have learned from participating in the work of NBJC. I am excited to continue, in this capacity, as a member of the Council.
I’m most excited about…
…having this community of young professionals and scholars to learn and grow together!