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National Faith HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

August 29th is National Faith HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NFHAAD). NFHAAD presents an opportunity for faith communities to work together to support HIV/AIDS education, prevention, treatment, and care. Faith plays a significant role in the lives of many Americans, and congregations can help reduce HIV/AIDS discrimination. NBJC encourages Black faith leaders to talk about HIV/AIDS using the latest science to reduce stigma among their members. 

NBJC’s HIV Words Matter Toolkit helps those in the Black community have stigma-free asset-based conversations about HIV/AIDS. Download the toolkit HERE to start having conversations today. 

On NFHAAD, NBJC’s Deputy Executive Director, Victoria Kirby York, will host an Instagram live with Black Transgender Advisory Council Member Co-Chair Reverend Carmarion D. Anderson to discuss the critical role faith leaders play in reducing HIV/AIDS stigma and to encourage testing and treatment. Follow @NBJContheMove across social media platforms to learn more about the live event.

Digital Assets

Starting conversations about how your faith inspires you to take action to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic, is essential to ending stigma and preventing the spread of the epidemic. 

Help spread essential information about HIV/AIDS testing and treatment by sharing the National Faith HIV/AIDS Awareness Day assets below across social media platforms using #NFHAAD, #PACT4HIV, and #StopHIVTogether.

The National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC) is a civil rights organization dedicated to the empowerment of Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and same gender loving (LGBTQ/SGL) people, including people living with HIV/AIDS.