National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD)
National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD) is March 10, 2022. On this day, individuals and organizations have the opportunity to support the women and girls affected by HIV/AIDS, shine light on the virus’s impact, including its disproportionate impact on cisgender and transgender Black women, and reduce stigma. In spite of the medical, scientific, and social progress made, cisgender and transgender women remain vulnerable to transmission. Despite making up less than 15% of the female population, Black women accounted for 57% of new HIV diagnoses among cisgender women in the U.S. in 2018. In 2019, heterosexual contact accounted for 91% of new HIV diagnoses among Black cisgender women. Black trans women made up 49% of new HIV diagnoses among transgender people in 2018. Young Black women are more affected by HIV than young women of other races, with the rate of new infections among young Black women aged 13 to 24 being six times higher than that of young Hispanic women, and 20 times that of young white women.Learn more about how HIV/AIDS affects Black women and girls and what action you can take on this day by downloading NBJC’s NWGHAAD Toolkit HERE. NBJC has created the Words Matter HIV Toolkit to support Black people in having asset-based, stigma-free conversations about holistic health and wellness and encourages loved ones to stay healthy by taking medicine if they are living with HIV or are on PrEP. To end this epidemic, we must know our status by getting tested. Doctors recommend getting tested every three to six months. You can find a testing site near you HERE or get a free at-home HIV testing kit HERE. On Thursday, March 10th, at 10:30 am EST, NBJC’s Deputy Executive Director Victoria Kirby York will host a Facebook Live where she will discuss HIV/AIDS and Black women and girls with Feminista Jones. Follow NBJC on Facebook to watch. Digital Assets: You can engage in National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day and help spread essential information about HIV transmission and testing by using the NWGHAAD toolkit and digital assets. Share these assets across social media platforms to start conversations with those who follow you and use the hashtags: #NWGHAAD, #PACT4HIV, #StopHIVTogether, and #MyFirstHIVTweet.
The National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC) is a civil rights organization dedicated to the empowerment of Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and same gender loving (LGBTQ/SGL) people, including people living with HIV/AIDS.