On this 29th Anniversary of World AIDS Day (#WAD2017), the National Black Justice Coalition pauses to honor those that have died from HIV/AIDS, support those that presently live with the disease, and call all people to action to prioritize ending the spread of HIV/AIDS in our world. The universal theme for this year is: “Increasing Impact through Transparency, Accountability and Partnerships.”
As the nation’s leading civil rights organization dedicated to the empowerment of Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) and same gender loving (SGL) people, including people living with HIV/AIDS , this day serves as an urgent call to rededicate our families and communities to the fight to eradicate HIV/AIDS and the disproportionate impact of this disease on Black Americans. NBJC is honored to join this movement to bring awareness and hope to our communities through empowerment. We hope that on this day the seeds are planted for you and your network of family and friends to take up the cause and make ending HIV/AIDS a priority in your lives. In order to stay true to the theme of this year and inspire a collective response, NBJC is honored to present this #WAD2017 e-blast with important information to get you involved with the local, national and global fight to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS.