Never Forget: Transgender Day of Remembrance

In 2010, according to the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, transgender women represented 44% of anti-LGBT murders but only represented 11% of the total reports. Within LGBT communities, transgender people represent 8.6% of the general population. Most hate crimes go unreported because of police bias. In fact, NCAVP's findings suggest that transgender people of color are three times more at risk for anti-LGBT violence from police officers.
There is an epidemic of murders against the Black trans community, yet our nation is deadly silent. Together we can change that.
During Transgender Awareness Week and leading up to TDOR, NBJC launched our #BlackTransProud social media campaign to raise public consciousness about what it means to live at the intersection of racial justice and trans equality. Trailblazers–both seasoned and emerging–like Kylar Broadus, Janet Mock, Kye Allums and Monica Roberts, have submitted their photos and testimonials telling us why they're proud to be Black and trans. The feedback has been beyond anything we could have imagined. View their campaign ads, full testimonies and the submissions we've received on Twitter and Facebook–Black, Trans and Proud.
The #BlackTransProud movement is part of NBJC's ongoing initiative to protect and honor the lives of our trans family. At this year's OUT on the Hill Black LGBT Leadership Summit, NBJC hosted an unprecedented all Black trans women town hall in the nation's capital.
This week there are numerous events around the world honoring and remembering our departed. Today, the NBJC family will observe Transgender Day of Remembrance at the Metropolitan Community Church, which will also recognize local trans community leaders. Join us at 6:00pm at 474 Ridge Street NW, Washington, DC 20002.
For a full list of worldwide events, visit TDoR Events and Locations 2012.