Honoring Those Lives Lost – Transgender Day of Remembrance

On this day, thousands will gather across the globe to observe Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR). It is on this day that the world will pause to honor and remember the lives of our loved ones lost due to anti-transgender violence. Many of those whose names are sounded on this day will never be recognized by the mainstream media–meaning the public outrage over their senseless deaths will never take place. Today, we say their names for the world to hear. Today, wespeak out about the heinous crimes being committed against a whole segment of our community. Today, we hold accountable the perpetrators of those crimes, the failed justice system investigating those crimes that are still unsolved, the media outlets that mis-gender and disrespect the victims of those crimes, and society for failing to create safe and affirming climates, thus making such crimes possible and acceptable.
However, these lives are not lost in vain. As we gather in community to remember our fallen, we must own this platform as an opportunity to take action. Allies and trans people together must continue to support efforts from organizations such as the National Black Justice Coalition, the Trans People of Color Coalition (TPOCC), the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, and the National Center for Trans Equality (NCTE), alongside the many more individuals and organizations that have dedicated their time, efforts and resources to the wellbeing and equity of trans people of color.
As we pause to mourn today, we must also remember that there are trans women and men making amazing strides toward true equality for our community every day. From trailblazers like Janet Mock and Laverne Cox, uplifting the authentic stories of Black trans women in popular media, to Kylar Broadus, the first transgender person to testify before the United States Senate, to historians and icons like Valerie Spencer, Monica Roberts and Earline Budd, who work had to ensure that the lives and stories of the Trans community are not lost. These few out of the many are examples of why we must celebrate all members of our community every day. Progress like the recently Senate-endorsed Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) that seeks to protect the rights of lesbian, gay AND trans individuals in the workplace would not be possible if it were not for the tenacity and resilience of the transgender community.
This week there are numerous events around the world honoring and remembering our departed. Today, the NBJC family will observe TransgenderDay of Remembrance at the Metropolitan Community Church, which will also recognize local trans community leaders and allies. Join us at 6:00 pm at 474 Ridge Street NW, Washington, DC 20002.
For a full list of worldwide events, visit TDOR Events and Locations 2013.
The NBJC family will stand in solidarity with our trans brothers and sisters as we fight to eradicate transphobia and end the silencing violence against members of our community.