NBJC Celebrates Black Families with the Release of “Black Love”
In honor of Valentine's Day and Black History Month, NBJC is releasing excerpts from the documentary: "Black Love: The Quest for Marriage Equality." NBJC commissioned "Black Love" to celebrate the uplifting stories of Black gay and lesbian couples who have courageously stood on the front lines of the fight for marriage equality.
The film examines the special rewards and challenges of same-gender relationships, how marriage equality can be a part of the solution to the structural and economic issues faced by many Black families, and the strategies that are needed to bring full acceptance of gay and lesbian people to the Black community.
The featured couples are: Rev. Darlene Garner and Rev. Candy Holmes; Angelisa Young and Sinjoyla Townsend; Ivan Walker and Wymond Satterwhite; and Reginald Stanley and Rocky Galloway. Also featured are Rev. Dr. Christine Wiley and her husband, Rev. Dr. Dennis Wiley, co-pastors of Covenant Baptist United Church of Christ. The Wileys were among the first Black clergy in DC to support marriage equality. They discuss the challenges they faced when they declared that their church was an inclusive, affirming church and willing to marry gay and lesbian couples.