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NBJC Applauds President Biden for Pardoning LGBTQ+ Military Service Members

CONTACT: Jordan Wilhelmi | 

WASHINGTON – Following news that President Joe Biden pardoned LGBTQ+ military members who were discharged or prosecuted because of their sexual orientation, providing a path to clear their records and apply for veterans benefits, Dr. David J. Johns, CEO and Executive Director of the National Black Justice Collective (NBJC), a leading civil rights organization, issued the following statement:

“NBJC applauds President Biden for his decisive action to pardon LGBTQ+ military service members who were unjustly discharged or prosecuted because of their sexual orientation. This historic move provides a much-needed path for these courageous individuals to clear their records and apply for earned benefits honoring their service to our nation.

“This pardon is a long-overdue acknowledgment of the discriminatory and unjust actions taken against LGBTQ+ service members for more than 60 years. By taking this step, President Biden is helping to right historic wrongs and honoring trans, queer, and gender-expansive service members with the recognition, respect, and reparations they deserve. We extend our deepest gratitude to LGBTQ+/and same-gender loving military members for their service and perseverance in the face of such undue prejudice for who they are instead of commending them for their sacrifice to protect the very freedoms they wish to observe.

“Our military should embody the values we uphold as a nation, with equality for all being paramount. This pardon not only rectifies past injustices but also reinforces the principle that every individual, regardless of sexual orientation, has the right to serve their country with honor and dignity. It is a powerful reminder that our commitment to equality must extend to all aspects of our society, including our armed forces.

“We celebrate this significant milestone and stand in solidarity with all trans, queer, and gender-expansive service members, past and present. The National Black Justice Coalition remains committed to advocating for policies that promote justice, equity, and inclusion for all members of our community. Together, we can continue to build a nation that truly reflects the values of equality, respect, and honor.”

The National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC) is a civil rights organization dedicated to the empowerment of Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and same gender loving (LGBTQ/SGL) people, including people living with HIV/AIDS.


Black Facts Survey

NBJC, in partnership with Family Equality, GLSEN, Human Rights Campaign, NCLR, and the National LGBTQ Task Force, commissioned a groundbreaking study about Black and LGBTQ+/SGL issues. The study was commissioned and conducted by HIT Strategies, founded and led by a Queer, Black researcher. Click the image to find out more.


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