NBJC Commends President Biden for Granting Clemency to Nonviolent Drug Offenses
CONTACT: Jordan Wilhelmi | jordan@unbendablemedia.com
WASHINGTON –Dr. David J. Johns, CEO and Executive Director of the National Black Justice Collective (NBJC) issued the following statement in response to President Biden granting clemency to nearly 2,500 individuals convicted of nonviolent drug offenses who have been serving disproportionately long sentences:
“President Biden’s decision to grant clemency to nearly 2,500 individuals sentenced under outdated and discriminatory drug laws is a necessary and long-overdue step toward justice. For decades, the War on Drugs has devastated Black communities and perpetuated systemic inequities in our criminal legal system. These sentences were not only excessively harsh—they were the direct result of laws and policies rooted in racism and anti-Blackness. These policies disproportionately impact Black people.
“Within Black communities, Black LGBTQ+/same-gender loving (SGL) people have borne an even greater share of this burden. Too often, we have been left vulnerable to the impacts of systemic racism, homophobia, and transphobia. Disproportionate incarceration has meant fewer opportunities, higher rates of violence, and limited access to support systems.
“While this is a critical step forward, it is only the beginning. We must ensure that those granted clemency receive the resources and support they need to rebuild their lives. We must also dismantle the policies that allowed these injustices to persist for so long, including mandatory minimum sentencing, discriminatory drug laws, and the criminalization of poverty.
“The National Black Justice Collective is committed to amplifying the voices of those most impacted by systemic inequities and advocating for comprehensive reforms that center equity and justice. We urge lawmakers to continue this momentum by advancing meaningful criminal justice reforms and policies that address the root causes of inequity – from policing and incarceration to housing and employment discrimination.
“As we move forward, we urge the incoming Trump administration to act in the interest of all Americans, especially those disproportionately impacted by historic inequities. We call on them to be good actors by working to unify the country and ensure justice for all and to cease the scapegoating of Black and LGBTQ+/SGL communities as political tools to further divisive and harmful agendas.
“We commend President Biden for taking this step, and we call on leaders at every level to continue addressing the systemic inequities that disproportionately harm Black and LGBTQ+/SGL communities.”