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NBJC Condemns Proposal by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity to Ban Transgender Members

CONTACT: Jordan Wilhelmi | 

WASHINGTON – Following news that Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity members have voted overwhelmingly in favor of a proposed banning transgender members from inclusion in their fraternity, Dr. David J. Johns, CEO and Executive Director of the National Black Justice Collective (NBJC), a leading civil rights organization, issued the following statement:

“NBJC condemns the proposal by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. to ban transgender members. These proposed policies are not only discriminatory and exclusionary but also an infringement on the basic human rights of those who simply want the freedom to be who they are.

“Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., similar to Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, which passed a similar policy in 2017, has long advocated for civil rights and social justice. These proposals starkly contradict the historical commitment to equality, justice, and the advancement of all Black people. By seeking to exclude transgender people, these fraternities are turning their backs on the very principles of brotherhood and inclusivity that they were founded upon and are a betrayal of the legacy of activism and leadership that these organizations have upheld for over a century. 

“Such policies and exclusionary practices perpetuate harmful stereotypes and further marginalize individuals who already face significant barriers and discrimination in society, and send a dangerous message that it is acceptable to ostracize and discriminate against individuals based on their gender identity. These politics and practices are tools of white supremacy and the white racial actors who elect to do their bidding. Our transgender siblings deserve the same respect, dignity, and opportunities as non-trans members of our community.

“NBJC calls on Alpha Phi Alpha and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternities to reject these discriminatory proposals and instead reaffirm their commitment to inclusion, equality, and justice for all members of the Black community. I also encourage other members of the Divine Nine, including my beloved Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Incorporated, to honor enduring commitments to uplift and empower our beautifully diverse community.  It is imperative that our organizations lead by example, embracing diversity and standing united in the fight against any form of discrimination and hate.

The National Black Justice Collective recently released a ‘Black Paper,’ Unapologetically Black, Unapologetically Queer: Strategies to Increase Support for Black LGBTQ+ People and Issues, breaking down its national survey, done in partnership with HIT Strategies, exploring how the Black LGBTQ+/same-gender loving community is viewed among Black people while providing a roadmap to increase support for Black LGBTQ+/same-gender loving people and issues.

The National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC) is a civil rights organization dedicated to the empowerment of Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and same gender loving (LGBTQ/SGL) people, including people living with HIV/AIDS.