The National Black Justice Coalition Mourns the Stolen Lives of Amiri Reid and Kejaun Richardson
CONTACT: Jordan Wilhelmi | jordan@unbendablemedia.com
TOLEDO, OH– The National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC) mourns the deaths of Amiri Reid, a 21-year-old Black transgender woman, and Kejuan Richardson, a 21-year-old gender non-conforming Black man. Amiri and Kejaun were shot and killed on November 14, 2023, while driving around their hometown of Toledo, Ohio. The suspected shooter died by suicide on November 23, 2023, after a warrant was issued for his arrest.
Amiri’s family and friends remember her as the life of the party with an infectious sense of humor who enjoyed wordplay. She shared her experiences of transphobia on her social media. Kejuan had a deep appreciation for music and loved to sing. He worked at KFC and liked the Avengers movie franchise and basketball. Kejuan’s elementary school teacher said they were bright and memorable, lit up a room, and knew who he was even at 11 years old.
“My heart breaks for the friends, family, and community suffering from the loss of these two wonderful friends,” said Victoria Kirby York, Director of Public Policy and Programs. “Amiri and Kejaun were simply enjoying their time together, driving around their hometown, which everyone should feel safe to do. As we approach the new year, we must collectively resolve to actively create safer communities for our trans and gender-nonconforming siblings to thrive and live authentically. Everyone should be able to drive around with our friends and not worry it might be the last thing we do.”
Learn more about, mourn the loss, and remember the lives of the Black trans siblings we have lost this year by viewing NBJC’s Stolen Lives campaign HERE.
Learn more about reducing gender-based violence here and here.
Look here to learn more about changing local laws and increasing protections for trans and non-binary community members.