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NBJC Commends the Florida Department of Health for Commitment to Provide PrEP to All Counties By End of 2018


Washington — The National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC) commends the Florida Department of Health (FDH) for decision to offer oral Truvada as a pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for free to all of their counties by the end of 2018. This collective effort combats the progression of HIV in marginalized communities that find paying for PrEP difficult. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2012 approved Truvada as a pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, for HIV prevention in 2012. When used in combination with condoms, the drug is up to 92 percent effective at preventing HIV. NBJC is committed to supporting efforts like this to ensure that society moves closer toward the goal of ending the HIV/AIDS crisis—especially in the Black community.

NBJC Executive Director David J. Johns had this to say about Florida's initiative:

“Since the emergence of HIV/AIDS, it has had a disproportionate impact in the Black community.  Too many lives have been lost and too much stigma still surrounds HIV/AIDS.  It is vital that we support efforts such as this to ensure that we prevent additional people from becoming HIV positive and do a better job of supporting people living with HIV. NBJC is committed to continuing our efforts to support these goals, in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Act Against AIDS Campaign, which provides a platform to empower and educate communities about the importance of strategies such as PrEP and treatment as prevention. Together with the strategies employed by the CDC and innovative efforts such as FDH’s offering of PrEP to all, we can put an end to the HIV epidemic.

“In 2018, NBJC will continue efforts to support the holistic health and wellness of all African Americans by continuing to address disproportionate health disparities. We are most excited to continue support of the Partnering and Communicating Together to Act Against AIDS (PACT) partnership between the CDC and some of the nation’s leading organizations representing the populations hardest hit by HIV and AIDS. You can learn more about this important work using the social media hashtag #PACT4HIV.

“It is imperative to remain steadfast in our commitment to eradicating HIV/AIDS. Seeing an AIDS free generation is possible and within our power. Each of us can do our part to move closer toward this goal.  Be sure you know your status. Get educated, get tested and use the resources that exist to ensure you are happy, healthy and whole.”

For  more information about PrEP and HIV prevention strategies, visit Act Against AIDS.

The National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC) is a civil rights organization dedicated to the empowerment of Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and same gender loving (LGBTQ/SGL) people, including people living with HIV/AIDS. NBJC’s mission is to end racism, homophobia, and LGBTQ bias and stigma.

The National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC) is a civil rights organization dedicated to the empowerment of Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and same gender loving (LGBTQ/SGL) people, including people living with HIV/AIDS.

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