Register Now for OUT on the Hill!
SEPTEMBER 24-27, 2014 | Washington, DC 5th Annual OUT on the Hill Black LGBT Leadership Summit When Wednesday September 24, 2014 at 8:00 AM EDT -to- Saturday September 2
Inner-City ‘Barbarians’? Calling Out Racism on the Airwaves
Politics isn't always pretty. In fact, it can get downright nasty. When you work on issues that directly affect people's lives, it's easy for passion to overcome polite
NBJC Joins LGBT Orgs in Standing With Family of Michael Brown
Washington, DC — August 13, 2014 — Yesterday, NBJC joined national LGBT Equality organizations to pen an open letter of solidarity in response to th
Taking Back Our Movement!
Taking Back Our Movement! For almost five decades, I have marched, mobilized, and advocated on behalf of my Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and same-gender-loving
NBJC Joins Call to End Transphobic Policy of Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival
Washington, DC — The National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC) joins the call for the organizers of the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival (MWMF) to end their in
NBJC Celebrates the 49th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 & Calls for Action
Washington, DC — Today marks the 49th anniversary since President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA). Spurred by the groundwork
President Obama Uses Executive Order to Protect LGBT Workers, But the Fight Is Far From Over
Washington, DC—July 21, 2014 – Today, President Obama signed an Executive Order to ban federal contractors from discriminating in the workplace based o
Investing in the Invisible: My Pledge to Empower the Black LGBT Community
By Sean A. Watkins Today, I saw a magazine cover targeted to the LGBTQ community (this time, it was specifically towards the men having sex with men spectrum), and there
Emancipation Campaign Launch & Inspirational Message from Je-Shawna Wholley
This Friday, July 18, marks the end of my tenure here at NBJC. In two-and-a-half years, I have grown tremendously, serving first as a Senior Fellow, then as a Programs Associate, a
Spring/Summer E-Digest: Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Signing of the Civil Rights Act
Have something to share? Email to submit ideas for the NBJC E-Digest. Did You Miss The New Black? Don't Worry, You Can Still Catch It! Senate